Saturday, May 23, 2009
...and WE'RE off!
Makena and I leave tonight to join Noa and Nanea and the McMullens in Virginia. After a wedding on the North Shore that is (my work). Grandma Kay has saved the day by babysitting on a Saturday (thank you, what would I ever do without the Lau Kongs and Chocks in my life?!?!?). Can you believe we have 3 events today? Yes, 3. And 1 tomorrow. And we had 2 Wednesday. It's been a crazy week.
To get this family out of the house, Hillary's "it takes a village" comes to mind. Since the kennel was full until Sunday due to the holiday weekend, my fabulous friend Tiff will be taking Nalu there on Sunday afternoon. This is in no way convenient since she lives in Honolulu, has to drive to Waikele to pick him up, and then all the way over the other other end of the island in Kahalu`u to the kennel. She is the best. Nalu will be alone from tonight through tomorrow afternoon, so my lovely neighbors will be letting him out in the morning for a bathroom break (in addition to getting our mail, putting our trash out and in general keeping an eye on things while we're gone). And Rico will be coming here, driving us to the airport in Noa's car, keeping his keys, so he can pick us up next week. Because with 2 car seats, 2 adults and and another driver/rider, you have to have a big car to fit everyone. Not to mention Rico is like 7 feet tall (not quite), and can't fit in my car to drive it.
We have the best friends in the world, and are so grateful and blessed to have them in our lives. I'll have the camera, so will hopefully find some time to post photos and blog from Virginia.
alohab @ 10:24 AM
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Think she dislikes her jammies?
When I put Makena to bed now-a-days, she is rarely asleep (she used to fall asleep while nursing), and so rolls around and complains, talks, plays for awhile before putting herself to sleep. If she is a in a complaining mood, she pulls the feet of her jammies to pull her feet out of the foot-part. Well, last night she some how managed to completely unbutton one side and has her foot hanging out. I had to get a picture of it, even though I ran the risk of waking her up with the flash. She slept through it, and I let her sleep in peace with her foot hanging out :).
alohab @ 11:52 PM
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Here doggie, doggie...
alohab @ 9:44 PM
A little comparison
alohab @ 11:52 AM
Monday, May 11, 2009
10 months old
No pics, but Makena made 10 months old today, on Mother's Day! She has been such a different baby from since our trip to the Big Island 2 weeks ago. She is happy, more independent. Starting to crawl on her knees, and finally got another tooth (just 1 on top). Someone commented on her being a "Hawaiian baby" since while on the Big Island, she was just happy as a clam being outdoors, eating poi, and sleeping under a tree on the grass next to the beach. She is definitely darker than her older sis. I was looking at her legs and feet today, which are quite dark/tan. Everyone says she is Noa, with my eye shape, where Nanea is the opposite.
alohab @ 12:29 AM
Sunday, May 3, 2009
First airplane ride!
alohab @ 10:25 PM
Name: alohab
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