Today Makena is 7 months old. I can hardly believe it; the time has gone so quickly! She is eating lots and lots of baby food. Squash seems to be a favorite. She is also really scooting herself around. I set her in one spot, and 30 seconds later, she is in a completely different spot. This is different for me since Nanea didn't really do this. She was a very determined crawl-er, and would only move to get something specific. Makena has a fascination with remote controls. Not sure what it is, but she loves them. She also wants to put everything in her mouth. Another thing Nanea didn't really do. We have to really watch her now that she's more mobile.
Here are some pictures from a little photo-shoot this afternoon while big sis was napping. Makena woke up SO happy from her nap, and was quite the little model for my photos. She was really thrilled to be sitting up on her own on the couch and was all smiles for the pictures. If you look closely, I'm finally able to put a little, teeny bow in her hair. Hooray!
Noa could not wait until Makena turned 6 months old so she could wear sunscreen and go to the beach. We thought that after her 6 month checkup and all the trauma of 4 shots (!) in her poor little legs, a nice sunny day and calm ocean would be a good distraction. No chance of a picture of Makena with Dr. Lance, but all is well with her. She is 17.4 pounds and 27.5 inches long. She is tracking at 60th percentile for weight, and 95th for height.
didn't like the water all that much. too cold i think!