Thursday, November 13, 2008
4 months old
This photo is pretty indicative of Makena's personality. She is a serious baby, taking everything in and very observant. She does smile, and it is a gift, but I definitely wouldn't call her a smiley-happy baby. Every morning when I go into her room to get her she give me crazy smiles and kicks like crazy. She is not fussy, just content. I think she is an old soul, something I have been known to be called.
We had her 4 month check up today, and she did so well. She cried through the whole exam when Dr. Lance checked her out, but hardly a peep when she got her 4 (!!) shots. Nanea and I were very proud of her :). Makena is in the 75th percentile for weight (14 lbs, 10 oz) and height (25 inches), and 25th percentile for head circumference. Once again, almost identical to Nanea's stats at the same age. Makena weighs slightly more, but Nanea's head was slightly bigger. Exact same height. Looks like I'll have 2 tall girls. Taller than me at least.
alohab @ 9:52 PM