I have been slacking in the picture-taking department of late. With Noa being gone so, so much, and having a sick little for pretty much consistently going on 3 months, I am beat, and blogging has definitely been placed on the back burner. However, life certainly moves on.
Makena has had 4 consecutive ear infections since mid-December, so we are now being referred to an ENT to see if she needs ear tubes. However, since we live on an island, there seems to only be 2 pediatric ENTs, so the earliest appointment we could get is MAY 27th. Yes, I did say MAY. Insane? Yes, I think so. She just ended her 4th round of antibiotics last Friday, and already I think her ears are bothering her. She did have a few good days of being happy though. The poor thing is rarely HAPPY, so it's such a treat to see her having fun and well, happy.
Her speech is really starting to take off, and the other day when I knocked something off her dresser and it made a big noise, she looked at me and said, "wha' appened?" complete with a shrug, and then another "wha' appened ma-ma?" She's adorable and sweet and I just wish she didn't hurt all the time!
Makena loves her baby, books, her "maneket" (blanket), her ceecee (sissy = Nanea), "lalu" (nalu), dada and papa. Every morning when I go to wake her up, she asks "where ceecee?" Ceecee's at school, "where dada?" Dada's at work. Dada's flying the airplane. "Where Papa?" Papa's at work? "Where ceecee go?" and so on and so forth. She is also developing a pretty healthy Elmo addiction. Not to the same extent as her big sister, but she is constantly asking for Elmo, "I want Elmo" when she sees my iPhone. A car ride is not complete without Elmo...
In any case, I'll get to posting pics again soon. After all, Easter is just around the corner, and then a BIG wedding where the girls will be flower girls.