Well, 8 months old and we seem to be moving backwards!
Makena is still a chubby, chubby baby, though is tracking the same as her big sis, just has more chubs. She is a sweet baby, but oh so FUSSY! She likes to have company at all times. The one thing I could rely on is her sleeping from 5:30pm to about 7am. Straight through since 9 weeks old. That is what has saved my sanity since she is not a napper and needs lots of attention.
So, the last couple of weeks, she has been waking up in the middle of the night. Once, and sometimes even twice. I think it started with teething (those pesky top 2 are just taking their time!), and then she had a cold along with everyone else in our house. That coupled with not wanting to have her wake my mom, and even Noa when I knew he had to work, I went against all my rules and went in to nurse her back to quiet/sleep. So, now she's used to it. Mom left yesterday, but my dad arrived last night so I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I think I may have to just make everyone suffer for a day or 2 and offer lots of coffee so I can get her back to schedule. Sleep deprivation is killing me and making me brain-dead.
On a positive note, we have been getting into a better daytime nap routine the last few days, so she naps for about 30 min at 10am, and an hour and a half to 2 hours between 1 and 1:30pm. In spite of my success with "sleep training" Nanea, I have been severely lacking in setting up a day time routine with Makena. And, everyone with kids knows that a sleep deprived child makes them sleep LESS! Go figure.
Makena is just the sweetest, cutest baby. When she's fussing/crying/screaming and you go to get her, she just lights up the room with her smile, and how could you not want to snuggle such an adorable rolly-poly baby :)?
Happy 8-month day Makena!