Sunday, October 4, 2009
Lately, Nanea has been getting many "timeouts." For us, that means a trip to our stairs where she can't see the tv, and there are no toys. Typically this involves much whining and crying, but the moment I say, "timeout!" she immediately walks to the stairs, from wherever she is, melting into tears and sits there until I say she can get up. Lately, her little sister in show of her support, will wander over and sit there with her. Of course, she doesn't understand this is punishment, and just gets a kick that she is a "big" girl and can sit on the stairs with her big sister. She gets up and down, goes back and forth, all the while big sister is throwing her tantrum. It's so funny, and unfortunately a common occurrence of late, I had to capture it.
alohab @ 8:41 PM
Name: alohab
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