Sunday, June 15, 2008
The Big Debate
So, now that Noa is finally home, and I am 35 weeks pregnant, we are realizing that we are way behind in the "nesting" and getting ready for BA2's impending arrival. Those of you that know Noa and I know that we have completely OPPOSITE tastes in just about everything, which makes decisions quite difficult. So things like baby room decor, furniture, NAMES are just impossible for us to agree upon. We end up (eventually) finding some middle ground and compromising.
So, the big debate of the last couple of months is whether or not to buy a crib for BA2, or just force Nanea out of hers and move her to a "big girl bed." Is she old enough? Probably. Is she psychologically ready for it? I don't think so. She is not climbing out, she likes being in there, and when asked if she wants a big girl bed, replies, "no, I want MY bed." We attempted to transition her by taking the railing off the crib (it converts to a toddler bed, then to a full size) and she did great for a couple of days, then realized she didn't actually have to stay in there so after turning on every single light between her room and mine, would end up in bed with me. Noa was on his marathon work trips, so didn't get to enjoy this. Her sleeping with me wasn't terrible in and of itself, but after a few days, this morphed into her coming into my room and then staying up for 3-4 hours, talking, demanding milk, and going back and forth between "mommy's bed and my bed," each time announcing it of course.
Everything I've read, and that people have told me, is to NOT make major changes in your child's life when another one is coming. So, my inclination is to buy another convertible crib and leave Nanea alone. Noa is fighting for the big girl bed AND to move her to the new room since it is slightly bigger and he feels she should have the bigger room. While I understand this in theory, we are way too late in the game at this point. I think I'm going to just have to put my foot down on this one.
On a happy note, we have started to make some progress clearing out the guest room to prep it for BA2 (or Nanea if Noa wins the battle). Here is the closet organizer Noa installed today. And, if you look closely, you will see that he also painted the room a really nice soft shade of pink.
Now if we can just get a crib in time...
alohab @ 10:19 PM
Name: alohab
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